Write an Email to Get Buy-In

Woman writing an email typing.

For your first project, draft an email to persuade key stakeholders to implement and adopt an inclusive QA rubric. Additionally, You will need to comment and review your peer’s writing in our Slack group. Please review it. Then, think about what you have learned about quality assurance so far. You’ll keep learning more about inclusion, accessibility, and quality standards as the course continues.

Submission Guidelines

Required Elements

Your submission should contain two core elements. 

  1. A description of your email’s audience
    Include some contextual information to help your peers give more specific feedback. Include information like their position in the organization and what they consider when they make decisions.
  2. The content of your email to the district administration
    This will be the email that outlines the inclusive QA rubric.

What to Write

You’ll want to ensure you cover the basics in your email:

  • The problem or opportunity that the inclusive AEM QA rubric proposal seeks to address
  • An overview of the proposal
  • The benefits of implementing an AEM QA rubric
  • Potential barriers and how you will overcome them
  • A call to action: how your audience can help you

Tip on Writing to Get Buy-In

  • Focus on what your boss, company, or customer will get out of the deal rather than how you will be personally impacted
  • Think through your proposal and anticipate potential objections
  • Show how your idea can help them and the impact it will have
  • Illustrate what you can create with your expertise instead of talking about the past,

Read a sample letter


  1. Please upload your submission to google form below by Friday at 11:59PM CST
  2. I will respond with a video response via Flip Video in your email within a week.